Thursday, 25 April 2013

Insurance bought for Neymar

Barcelona are so desperate to land  that they have even taken out an insurance policy on the Brazilian.

It has been widely reported that Barca already have a pre-contract agreement with Santos and Neymar, to ensure he joins them either this summer or next.
That agreement, which cost the Spanish club £10m, apparently ensures Barca will pay £50m for Neymar, who will have to stump up as much as £80m if he reneges on the deal.
The specifics of the deal are still unclear but, according to Catalunya Radio, an insurance policy taken out by Barcelona in March confirms that Tito Vilanova's side have already paid money for Neymar.
It has been revealed that the Catalan giants have taken out a policy for around £200,000 which will pay out should the 21-year-old suffer a career-threatening injury or disease which would derail the move.
The existence of the deal does not completely rule out a move to the Premier League - although it has been suggested that any potential buyer would have to cover Neymar's staggering penalty for snubbing Barca.

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